As my friends all know..I really RARELY go out during weekend..
This year christmas eve is on Saturday...Before going out that day,I tried to ask..
However,actually in my heart..I really feel that she won't let me out..
My reason~ It's end of exam already~ I wanna go out with friends~
Surprisingly, she really let me out...O.O..GREAT NEWS!
That day~ We went to Sunway Pyramid to celebrate...
The first thing we do is went to the parkson there...LOL...just because I like hello kitty..
He brought me there purposely...just to let me see all those hello kitty stuffs..
Hahaha..I keep compare the bags there with my hello kitty bag..XD
I still feel mine the best~!! White one and special limited edition..
We saw a mother and a daughter..seriously..I wish to be the little girl...o(>_<)o
Her mom purposely brought her there to buy hello kitty stuffs and asked her which 1 she likes
So touching....ToT....Her mom really loves her!!
After finish enjoying being in the small place of hello kitty....we went to Pet Lovers..
We went to look around the pets there...suddenly..i saw a a cage..put on the counter table there..
Hehehe, I feel curious and ask the girl working there, can I play with the hamster?
What she answered me...really make me feel shock..
You can take the whole thing back if you WANT to..
She told us that her house already got 14 hamsters..XD..which is a LOT!!
She found her near her house,that time it was surrounded by cats and was raining that time..
Sob...Sigh..pity the hamster...she say lucky the cats there got people feed..nt hungry..all fat fat~
LOLX...I can consider my self as...err...mammals animal lover~!! XD nt all animal lover pls~
Because I really DISLIKE reptile..cold blooded...scales..all those...ewww(*+﹏+*)
As I say~I'm mammal lover~ some more this hamster actually look alike with my "son" Vasantha
Hehehe..I looked at my bf..asked him,"hehe~ can u adopt it?"
Lol..he also a kind person~ he of course agree...LUCKY~!! got it for free~!!∩__∩y
We said that we'll come back and take it after we gonna go back~She said okay~!

Isn't it a cute 1?!!
Then, my bf brought me to outside...=.=" I was wondering...why weird..
I'm not really familiar with Sunway Pyramid...that's why ask him..why we go out ah?
He said, go eat lo~ both of us hungry mah....Suddenly I saw a swimming pool float..on the wall..
Hmmm..After thinking for a long I know this got..
the Ship Restaurant
It gives me a feeling that it's the symbol of....Pricey Restaurant..=X don't ask me why....
Suddenly...Bubba Gump...POP UP in my brain...=o=....ahhh..Isn't it kinda pricey?!
I stopped walking and pulled him...Isit bubba gump?! It's quite expensive woh!(ㄒoㄒ)//
Lol..he just say dun care la..pull me..and we walked there together..
Haiz...Like this...give him cheat to get inside lo...Never mind~ HmpH~! I gonna give it a try~!
It's a fun and interesting thing to me when we sat down
The waitress asked us.."do you know how to use the license plate?"
He answered,"yes~!"
To me...It's just like...(⊙_⊙;) huh..what are they talking?!
My bf told me, you don't know it's normal because you first time come here~
He teached me how to first the waiters and waitress active..
Ceee...after order..wanna get back menu that time..they are not that active shout also bf told me that actually night time,the waiters and waiters work in night shift is actually more active than them~! WoooOOooo...I gain an experience AGAIN~!
He ordered a cocktail...and a fish..hmm...their name are


XD..he very cute not yet come~

That's the food and drinks~! panda eyes..

Buahaha..this is the most satisfy camwore pic of me on that day~!
After eating..we went to take the hamster back to his place..
Most funny is..the hamster keep kepo and move around the cage because its curiosity..
We put it in his house first~~ then~~ as he promised~ He brought me down..
XD we find cats to play~!! HAHAHAHAA....all knows I'm a cats LOVER!!
Hehe..I really love the cats there...the female cat actually recognize me..
She give birth 3 kittens..They are in the box..My bf called me play at there enough..and must be quiet..because the owner very arrogant..=.= idiot la..scold people that touches his cats..
However~~ I smart de half way with it...I try to do an experiment..
I walked out and called her come come~! XD!!! She really listens to me and come out~
MUAHAHAHA...this make me feel PROUD!! AWESOME!!
Because my bf says the cats there not really friendly with him, unless got food...
XD..I no need food leh~~ HAHAAHA...can seduce them come out~!!
My bf also don't know why..almost half year she also can recognize me...he totally like this(一-一)
Hahahaha.. after playing with it..I played with the 2 woke up~ play with me too~!
Later we still walk around..I found out 2 cats!!! MAAAAA!! (>O<)!!!!So happy!!
I went to be friend with 1 of them...XD..success..another one..=.=" not too friendly and brave
Keep wanna be friend with us but don't keep walk around us..XD...
He's like playing hide and seek..once we look at him..he walk another side...XD..cute la!!
After finish playing..I even put my legs in the kids swimming pool..I can do so...
XD because..I changed my shoes to his slipper just now in his house~
Satisfy playing with cats..We went back to his place...continue 甜蜜蜜lo~ sweet sweet..
Suddenly, he called me go to his table there...Got something let me see..
Of course~My curiosity made me go near the table and check it out!
lolx..i open the box....there's lots of blink blink pretty handmade stars...
AHhhhh...(*>.<*)I make all these stuffs de guy..Some more he's my bf!!
There a card write his words...what he wanna tell love YOU!!
After finish reading...I more....stunned...because..the brand....SWAROVSKI..
Lolx..seriously..I never buy or even get anything from this brand...
It's just..too pricey for me at this stage...
I'm not a rich girl..Even pass by the blink blink hello kitty..
I'll just see it at a glance..because..I just don't want can't control myself..
As you know...most of the people are realistic..especially branded shops shopkeepers...
If you wear too normal..they won't serve you..OR even..use the weird kind of eyes look at YOU
Rather than let them see me at this way, i more prefer look at them at a glance enough..
My bf tell me..he purposely bought both because..It's like one set can match with each other
1 is crystal bracelet..another 1 is a crystal diamond necklace..heart shape..both of them are BLUE
He told me that the necklace is actually call oceanic pendant necklace...
It's actually inspire by the titanic movie..海洋之心...
oceanic heart, represent love, and bless to their beloved one
at the same time it also represent hope
His way of meaning is :
~ 海洋之心~
I know they are not cheap...seriously..some more they also have 2 years warranty..
I really never expect he will buy such expensive stuffs..for me..I really..touched..
I love everything you gift me...just to show how much you pamper me..
No matter they are cheap or expensive..I don't long it's from yours..I'm already satisfy.. can't actually no need spend so much just to make me happy..
Hehe..actually can together go out with you..having fun together...or
stay together..hug with each already feel happy..
I even..feel more guilty..because..recently exam all those..rarely can go out to buy things..
Hardly gift you things...mostly is handmade some more..Really..feel..kinda shame..〒_〒
Anyway..Yong Chung Fai!! I really really LOVE YOu!! VERy VERY MUCH SOME MORE!!!
2 package of swarovski that made me stunned
that's the bracelet
Pretty blink cute~ PERFECT necklace... swarovski symbol..that cling to the oceanic heart
Sorry for low quality pics...because it's just..3 mp..
lovely <3
Happy 2012! Love the color! So cute!
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